So I'm out. Turns out the time in wherever I was is all wrong, as it's been several weeks in reality compared to what felt like a few hours in that place.
So, After sailing from the island, I came across another one: One with bones embedded in it. I wandered it, found a door with a ladder leading down, and decided to follow it.
At the bottom was a large maze, the walls embedded with bones, like the catacombs in France. I wandered around for a bit, until I saw something move. It was small and scurrying around. It was some sort of spider, amide of bones. Then there were more. Everywhere, on every inch of the walls. And then there was a man, tall, old, wearing black, with his eyes sewn shut. Creepy as hell. I began running, until I came across the guy with white hair from earlier. He seemed surprised to see me. I ran towards him, hoping to lose the guy chasing me, but then he came around the corner. White Hair said one word, "Dormouse", before grabbing my wrist, turning,and running.
From what I remember, he had opened up a door,and then boom: We were in some hotel room somewhere. Right now, he's at the toilet, coughing up blood.
I'll try to keep updating.